Amazon Premium A+ Content: Everything You Wanted to Know

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Amazon Premium A+ content (also called A++ content) is a relatively new feature available to Amazon vendors. It has a lot in common with the standard A+ in its aim to increase conversions and showcase the true value of products offered. What’s new in Premium A+ Pages is a revamped and visually appealing display with powerful new interactive options. In short, Premium A+ offers new and exciting marketing options for Amazon vendors.

Here are the five most frequently asked questions and answers about the Amazon Premium A+ Content.

What is Premium A+?

Premium A+ was first piloted with five vendors in 2016. The content testing group included major brands like Sony, Ghostbed and Bose. Since then the marketplace has been testing some cool interactive features to help customers make easy and informed buying decisions.

The new Premium A+ modules allow you to showcase your products by adding HD video content, larger and more informative images, more comprehensive comparison charts, interactive displays, and other souped-up features.

Which new modules does the Premium A+ feature?

The sixteen all-new Premium A+ modules are designed to differentiate a vendor’s products from competitors and increase brand engagement. Let’s have a look at the major benefits available with the new A+ Premium Content.


The slider gallery can feature up to five slides. You can use different designs for your slides (with or without link navigation, with or without text blocks, etc.) to better display your product’s benefits.



Now there is a possibility to use HD videos and video loops. Videos can be expanded to full screen to provide a more user-friendly experience. Videos offer countless creative and strategic options that can be applied to any marketing purpose. HD videos provide the exciting opportunity to increase sales for all of your Amazon listings.



A video loop is an appealing and informative video that repeats front to back whenever a customer views your listings. The video loop provides the chance for customers to learn more about your products and encourages them to add products to their cart.


This module is a perfect opportunity to boost your sales by offering customers a fast and easy opportunity to add similar or related products to their Cart.


It’s no secret that interaction generated through testimonials helps increase the credibility of your brand. A totally new interactive Premium A+ module gives you the opportunity to showcase your customers’ testimonials. You can use the Testimonials Module to create an emotional appeal for your product.



Anchor Block is a new opportunity utilized in Premium A+ Content. Now you can use a Buy Box Anchor link to redirect the customer to the top of your listing to make a purchase or subscribe.



The new FAQ module allows your customers to find handy information about each product.



New comparison charts are much more informative and user-friendly than those available in standard A+.  The A++ comparison charts incorporate a slide capability to scroll through and compare products against each other. Moreover, the charts are available in various styles for easier product research and cross-merchandising opportunities to sell regimens or attachments.



Hotspot A++ modules allow potential customers to hover over or click on feature points to see product details.


Is A++ Content Mobile Friendly?

A+ premium content is designed to enhance any mobile shopping experience. All Premium A+ modules are mobile friendly. Moreover, A++ content has one significant advantage in the mobile app as it is displayed above the sponsored product carousel, which reduces the number of clicks to competitor’s ads. However, on desktop, the sponsored products carousel remains above the A+ Premium Content.

How much does A++ cost?

Amazon admits that Premium A+ is meant to be an exclusive program for Amazon’s most strategic vendors, and it is priced as such.

Premium A+ agreements need to be standalone agreements and clearly show that the negotiated amount for Premium A+ is above the minimum $250K threshold.

What’s the difference between standard A+ pages and Premium A+?

The basic differences are presented in the comparison chart:

Number of Modules Available Per Page57
Conversion Increase Brands Can Expect (according to Amazon)3% – 10%up to 15 %
Availablefor all vendorsby invitation
Modules12 basic A+ modules16 interactive modules + unlimited access to 12 basic A+ modules.
Max. Content Width970px1464px
Mobile CompatibilityYesYes
Amazon Fee$100 per one listingBetween $250,000 and $500,000 for unlimited pages

Another difference comes in the extra resources you’ll need to spend besides the fee charged by Amazon to create the content. Premium A+ option may come with additional costs for content creation, as you’ll need to prepare a full complement of visuals to make it work. You’ll need at least 7-10 high-quality large resolution images of your product as well as useful product-related videos.


Both Standard and Premium A+ Content are great marketing options for major brands that consider selling on Amazon a vital component of their overall branding strategy.

Listing optimization and creation of A+ content for Amazon requires quite a lot of resources, as well as knowledge in various areas. Our team can take on the work to help you promote your brand on Amazon. Learn more.


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