Amazon Premium A+ Content: A Complete Guide with Examples in 2024

If you’re selling on Amazon, you’ve probably heard of Basic A+ Content, a tool that lets you spruce up your product listings with Enhanced Content like Brand Story and Enhanced Branded Content. These features are great for telling your brand’s story and giving a richer description of your products. However, there’s an even better option — Amazon Premium Content, which offers many more tools and gives sellers flexibility in presenting their products in a more eye-catching way

Initially, accessing these high-end features came with a cost. However, Amazon now offers it without any upfront fees, as long as you meet certain Eligibility Criteria. This means more sellers can now enjoy the benefits of Advanced A+ Content, making it easier than ever to stand out in a crowded market. According to Amazon, switching to Premium A+ Content can lead to a significant boost in conversion rates, potentially up to 20% higher than what you’d achieve with Basic A+ Content.

In this guide we’ll discuss in detail what Premium A+ content is, how to become eligible for A++ and whether or not it justifies itself in terms of increasing sales.

What is Amazon Premium A+ Content?

Amazon Premium A+ Content, also known as Amazon A++ Content, is a powerful tool that goes far and beyond Basic A+ features. With Premium A+, you can effectively showcase your product’s essence through engaging visuals.

Unlike the static images available in Basic A+ Content, the premium bundle lets you craft dynamic scenes that effortlessly demonstrate your product’s features and possible use cases. Wouldn’t you agree that people tend to grasp information more easily when it’s presented visually rather than in simple text? This way, shoppers don’t even have to go through the description part to have an idea of your product’s highlights.

With Premium A+ Content, you can utilize eye-catching videos, interactive hotspot modules, image carousels, and detailed comparison tables to tell your brand’s story and present your products’ unique features.

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Basic vs Premium A+ Comparison

While both Basic and Premium A+ Content serve the purpose of enhancing product pages, there are key differences between the two. Basic A+ Content offers limited modules and features, focusing primarily on images and text. On the other hand, Premium A+ Content provides advanced tools like video, interactivity, and expanded imagery options.

When to Use Each Type?

Basic A+ Content is ideal for sellers who want to enhance their listings without heavily investing in visual assets. It’s a great starting point for beginners looking to improve their product presentation.

However, if you’re aiming to create a truly immersive and engaging experience for your customers, Amazon Premium Content is certainly a way to go. To make the distinctions between the two more apparent, we’ll arrange them in a table:

A+ Basic A+ Premium
Text & Images
Image Size 970 x 300 1464 x 600
Comparison Chart
Detail Page Modules 5 5
Module Selection 14 19
Navigation Carousel
Q&A Module

How to Access Premium A+ Content?

The cool part? As of August 2022, Amazon made Premium A+  content available for free on Seller Central during a special promotional period. Before this, it was only available on Vendor Central and came with a whopping price tag of $250,000 to $500,000 per product! Now, more sellers have the chance to elevate their product pages without the hefty cost, making it easier to connect with customers and stand out in the crowded marketplace.

Premium A+ Eligibility Criteria:

Effective September 3, 2024, to access Premium A+ Content, you must:

1. Ensure you’ve published A+ Brand Story for all ASINs in your catalog with Brand Registry rights. Verify this in the A+ Content Manager by checking for your published projects. You’ll see Basic A+ Content and the A+ Content Brand Story under the “From the brand” sections on your product detail pages.

2. Get at least 5 (five) A+ Content projects approved within the last year. To ensure you’re on track, check the status and last update dates of your submissions in the A+ Content Manager.

3. Once you qualify in one country, you’re eligible to publish Premium A+ Content in all countries where you sell.

Premium A+ Modules

In addition to the unique requirements for each module type, all images within these modules must adhere to the following standard guidelines:

  1. Acceptable file types are .jpg, .bmp, or .png; please note that GIFs and other animated formats are not supported.

  2. Each image’s size  must be under 2MB. If they’re larger, they’ll be resized to meet the module’s maximum size, but smaller images remain unchanged. The tool also allows you to crop and scale your images.

  3. Ensure the resolution is at least 72 dpi.

  4. The color space must be RGB (CYMK not supported)

Now, let’s take a closer look at each of the available modules and discuss their requirements before uploading.

1. Premium Full Image

This is the most widely used module as it offers limitless customization, allowing sellers to reflect their brand’s identity by incorporating brand logos, engaging titles, and high-resolution product images. This module is ideal as the initial image for making an impactful first impression.

Premium Full Image

Module Specifications:

Desktop Layout

Mobile Layout

Character Count Limit

Image: 1464px W x 600px H (min)

Image: 600px W x 450px H (min) 

Headline: 80 characters

Body: 300 characters

Recommended use cases:

1. Capture a detailed close-up of the product to highlight its features and quality.

2. Showcase the product being used by a customer to effectively demonstrate its size and dimensions, or present it in a lifestyle setting to provide context and appeal.

3. Ensure the brand logo is prominently displayed to enhance brand recognition and connection with the audience.

2. Premium Text

This module is designed to highlight essential information for customers concerning the product. Unlike the typical focus on visuals, this module is perfect for detailed descriptions. It offers a default format, where sellers can easily upload text, but customization in font style, size, or color is not available.

Premium Text

Desktop Layout

Mobile Layout

Character Count Limit



Headline: 80 characters

Body: 300 characters

Recommended use cases:

This module allows for more characters, letting you deliver in-depth product details or instructions, ensuring customers have a deep understanding of your product.

3. Premium Background Image with Text

Combine a beautiful background image with some text on top. This is useful for drawing attention to important features or specifications.

Premium Background Image with Text

Module Specifications:

Desktop Layout

Mobile Layout

Character Count Limit

Image: 1464px W x 600px H (min)

Image: 600px W x 450px H (min) 

Subheadline: 40 characters

Headline: 60 characters

Body: 300 characters

Note: The text box can be positioned to the left or right. Text color can be black or white.

Recommended use cases:

1. Capture a detailed close-up of the product.

2. Show a customer using the product to illustrate its size or how it fits into a lifestyle setting.

3. Emphasize the main features and benefits of the product, like a quick and compelling product introduction.

4. Premium Four Images & Text

Display 4 (four) images alongside some text to give a complete view of your product from different angles or highlight multiple features or color variations.

Premium Four Images

Module Specifications:

Desktop Layout

Mobile Layout

Character Count Limit

Image: 300px W x 225px H (min)

Image: None – will utilize desktop image assets

Subheadline: 80 characters

Headline: 30 characters

Body: 150 characters

Recommended use cases:

1. Capture photos from all sides of the product.

2. Display various ways the product can be used.

3. Highlight the different features of the product.

5. Premium Dual Images & Text

Show two images side by side with text. This is ideal for comparing two features or showing how your product can be used in different ways.

Premium Dual Images

Module Specifications:

Desktop Layout

Mobile Layout

Character Count Limit

Image: 650px W x 350px H (min)

Image: None – will utilize desktop image assets

Subheadline: 50 characters

Headline: 50 characters

Body: 300 characters

Recommended use cases:

1. Photos of all angles of the product

2. Compare two products

3. Show different uses of the product

4. Show different features of the product

6. Premium Single Image with Text

Focus on one image with a bit of text. It’s great for emphasizing a key feature or providing a quick overview of your product.

Premium Single Image

Module Specifications:

Desktop Layout

Mobile Layout

Character Count Limit

Image: 800px W x 600px H (min)

Image: None – will utilize desktop image assets

Subheadline: 40 characters

Headline: 80 characters

Body: 500 characters

Recommended use cases:

1. Take a close-up photo of the product.

2. Show a customer using the product to demonstrate its size and dimensions.

3. Focus on the main features and benefits of the product, like a brief and persuasive introduction.

7. Premium Full Video

This module is one of the main reason why sellers refer to Premium Content. It’s perfect for demonstrating how your product works or assembled.

Research indicates that the ideal video length is 10 seconds or less, as many customers tend to lose interest and stop watching beyond this duration.

premium video

Module Specifications:

Desktop Layout

Mobile Layout

Character Count Limit

Video type: .mp4 only (Flash is unsupported)

Video resolution: 960:540 (min)

Video size: 200 MB (max)

Video length: 180 sec (max) Image (for video preview): 1464px W x 600px H (min)

Image file types: png, jpg, jpeg

Video: None – will utilize desktop image assets

Image: None – will utilize desktop images assets

Headline: 80 characters

Body: 300 characters

Recommended use cases:

1. Highlight how the product moves and operates to showcase its functionality.

2. Demonstrate the assembly process to make setup feel easy and approachable.

3. Show various uses in action to illustrate the product’s versatility.

8. Premium Video with Text

Add text to your video, which can help explain what’s happening or highlight important parts as people watch.

By integrating videos into Premium A+ modules, you can boost sales by as much as 9.7%. A striking 96.3% of surveyed customers emphasized the importance of videos in their product research. Moreover, customers who watch videos are 3.6 times more likely to make a purchase compared to those who don’t.

Premium Video with Text

Module Specifications:

Desktop Layout

Mobile Layout

Character Count Limit

Video: 800px W x 600px H (min)

Video size: 200 MB (max)

Video length: 180 sec (max)

Image (for video preview): 800px W x 600px H (min)

Video: None – will utilize desktop image assets

Image: None – will utilize desktop images assets

Subheadline: 40 characters

Headline: 80 characters

Body: 500 characters

Video title: 50 characters

Video description: 200 characters

Recommended use cases:

1. Show how the product moves and operates.

2. Provide a simple guide on assembling the product to ease user setup.

3. Show different uses of your product in action.

4. Incorporate text to clarify details or emphasize important aspects of the video.

9. Premium Comparison Table 1

Lay out product details in a simple table, making it easy for viewers to compare features and specifications. This module also helps customers choose between similar items you offer.

A maximum of 7 products and 12 features can be listed in this section.

Premium Comparison

Module Specifications:

Desktop Layout

Mobile Layout

Character Count Limit

Image: 200px W x 225px H (min)

Image: None – will utilize desktop images assets

Module headline: 80 characters

Image headline: 25 characters

Feature: 30 characters

Tooltip: 150 characters

Detail: 30 characters

Recommended use cases:

1. Compare product specifications, such as size, color, and material, to make decision-making easier.

2. Introduce upsell opportunities by showcasing variations of your products that might interest buyers.

10. Premium Comparison Table 2

Similar to the first table, but with a different layout.

The limits are different too: a maximum of 3 products and 5 features are allowed.

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Module Specifications:

Desktop Layout

Mobile Layout

Character Count Limit

Image: 300px W x 225px H (min)Image: None – will utilize desktop images assets

Module headline: 80 characters

Image headline: 30 characters

Feature: 30 characters

Body Text: 80 characters

11. Premium Comparison Table 3

The last available layout, allowing sellers to compare up to 4 products across a maximum of 7 features.

Comparison Table

Module Specifications:

Desktop Layout

Mobile Layout

Character Count Limit

Image: 488px W x 700px H (min)

Image: 600px W x 450px H (min)

Note: Mobile image needed for each panel

Chart headline: 25 characters

Image headline: 25 characters

Feature: 20 characters

Feature Text: 20 characters

12. Premium Hotspots 1

Allow customers to click on parts of your product image to learn more about specific features.

A maximum of 6 hotspots can be featured.

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Module Specifications:

Desktop Layout

Mobile Layout

Character Count Limit

Image: 1464px W x 600px H (min)

Image: 600px W x 450px H (min)

Note: Mobile image needed for each panel

Hotspot headline: 50 characters

Hotspot body text: 200 characters

Recommended use cases:

1. Simplify and categorize the features and benefits of complex products, making them easy for everyone to grasp.

2. Clarify common queries, like the function of specific buttons, the texture of materials, etc.

13. Premium Hotspots 2

Unlike Hotspots 1, it includes a Module Heading and body Text for adding Hotspots to a background image.


Module Specifications:

Desktop Layout

Mobile Layout

Character Count Limit

Image: 1464px W x 600px H (min)

Image: 600px W x 450px H (min)

Note: Mobile image needed for each panel

Module headline: 80 character

Body text: 300 characters

Hotspot headline: 50 characters

14. Premium Navigation Carousel

Let users browse through a series of images or features. This module is perfect for showcasing a collection of products or variations.

A maximum of 5 panels can be used in this module.

Premium Navigation Carousel

Module Specifications:

Desktop Layout

Mobile Layout

Character Count Limit

Image: 1464px W x 600px H (min) 

Note: Image needed for each panel

Image: 600px W x 450px H (min)

Note: Mobile image needed for each panel

Navigation text: 25 characters

Subheadline: 25 characters

Headline: 25 characters

Body text: 100 characters

15. Premium Regimen Carousel

Unlike the usual horizontal navigation, this module displays headings vertically, stacking them one below the other. This format is ideal for clearly presenting steps in using the product, or showing different uses of the product.

A maximum of 5 panels can be used here.

Premium Regimen Carousel

Module Specifications:

Desktop Layout

Mobile Layout

Character Count Limit

Image: 1464px W x 600px H (min) 

Image: 600px W x 450px H (min)

Note: Mobile image needed for each panel

Module headline: 100 characters

Inset headline text: 20 characters

Inset Body text: 100 characters

Navigation text: 20 characters

16. Premium Simple Image Carousel

The Premium Simple Image Carousel module includes options for headings and body text, allowing you to add up to 6 images. It doesn’t have a navigation or regimen heading bar. Instead, it displays five images along with their headings and text, if included, using left and right arrow buttons for navigation.


pic 15 min

Module Specifications:

Desktop Layout

Mobile Layout

Character Count Limit

Image: 1464px W x 600px H (min) 

Image: 600px W x 450px H (min)

Note: Mobile image needed for each panel

Headline text: 50 characters

Body text: 200 characters

17. Premium Video Image Carousel

The Premium Video Image Carousel Module offers a distinctive feature where you can integrate both videos and images within a single module, accommodating up to six panels. Each panel can include body text, a headline, and a subheadline, providing a versatile platform to present multimedia content and text cohesively.

pic 16 min

Module Specifications:

Desktop Layout

Mobile Layout

Character Count Limit

Video type: .mp4 only (Flash is unsupported)

Video resolution: 800:600 min

Video size: 200 MB (max)

Video length: 180 sec (max)

Image: 800px W x 600px H (min)

Image file types: png, jpg, jpeg

Video/Image: None – will utilize desktop asset

Headline: 80 characters

Panel headline: 50 characters

Panel subheadline: 80 characters

Panel body text: 500 characters

Video title: 50 characters

Video description: 200 characters

Recommended use cases:

1. Create brief video segments highlighting various features, such as a 20-second segment showing the product in action followed by a 20-second segment detailing its assembly process.

2. Incorporate text to help explain the content and purpose of each segment to the viewers.

18. Premium Q&A

The Premium QnA Module allows sellers to address frequently asked customer questions. While the Basic A+ Content QnA Module provides essential question-and-answer functionality, the Premium version goes a step further by enabling the inclusion of images.

Premium Q&A

Module Specifications:

Desktop Layout

Mobile Layout

Character Count Limit

Image: 1464px W x 600px 

Q&A limits: 2 min – 5 max

Image: None – will utilize desktop asset

Question text: 120 characters

Answer text: 250 characters

Recommended use cases:

1. Anticipate and respond to frequently asked questions.

2. Address common concerns that lead to customer complaints or returns.

19. Premium Technical Specifications

The Premium Technical Specifications Module is useful when your product has numerous features or specifications that buyers need to know before making a purchase.

Simplify key details of your product for customers to make informed purchase decisions.

Premium Technical Specifications

Module Specifications:

Desktop Layout

Mobile Layout

Character Count Limit

Specification limits: 4 min-16 maxx

Same as desktop

Headline: 80 characters

Specification: 30 characters

Definition: 500 characters

Benefits of A++ Content

Boost in Traffic and Conversions

One of the most significant advantages of Amazon Premium Content is its potential to drive traffic and increase conversions. By providing visually appealing and informative product pages, you can capture the interest of potential buyers and encourage them to explore further.

Visual Storytelling Enhancement

Premium A+ Content takes visual storytelling to the next level. By leveraging high-quality images, videos, and interactive elements, you can effectively communicate your brand’s story and values. This enhanced storytelling capability helps create an emotional connection with customers, increasing the likelihood of repeat purchases and brand loyalty.

Improved Credibility

A polished and professional product page enhances your brand’s credibility and trustworthiness. When customers see that you’ve invested in high-quality visuals and detailed product descriptions, they are more likely to perceive your brand as reliable and reputable. This positive perception can lead to increased customer confidence.

Search Ranking Potential

Amazon’s search algorithm favors listings that provide comprehensive product information. By utilizing Premium A+ Content, you can potentially improve your search ranking within the platform. Higher visibility means more potential customers discovering your products, resulting in increased sales opportunities.

Drawbacks of A++ Content

Costs of Visual Assets

While Amazon Premium Content offers numerous benefits, it’s important to consider the costs associated with creating high-quality visual assets. Investing in professional photography, videography, and graphic design may require a significant upfront investment, especially for small sellers.

Promotional Limitations

The free trial for Premium A+ Content could be too short to see its lasting effects on traffic and sales.

How to Add A+ Content

1. Access Seller Central and head to the “Advertising” tab, then select “A+ Content Manager.”

2. Begin creating A+ Content by either searching for an ASIN or product name, or initiate the A+ Content workflow directly.

3. Click on “Create Premium A+.”

4. Choose Modules: Pick one or more modules to design the desired style.

5. Link your ASINs: Connect one or more of your ASINs to the newly crafted content.

5. Submit for Approval: After submitting, your A+ Content will undergo an approval process before being published. You can revisit and modify your content at any time using the A+ Content Manager tool.

› Remember: A+ Content is designed for brand owners. To include ASINs in your A+ Content, you must be a professional Seller and registered as the brand owner of that ASIN through the Amazon Brand Registry Process.

Is Amazon Premium Worth it?

Amazon suggests that including Amazon Premium Content in your product listing can increase your sales by up to 9.7%, however, some individual studies propose that premium content can elevate this percentage by up to 300%.

One more thing to consider is that Amazon Premium is clearly more beneficial for certain groups of products, especially beauty and electronics where you’d want to know how the product works and what components it’s made of. Obviously, if your product is as simple as a mug with a custom print, there’s not much information to deliver about it through Premium A+. And of course, the time investment may not be worthwhile.

Final Thoughts

For sellers looking to make a lasting impression, investing in Premium A+ Content is a prominent strategic move. They say, one shouldn’t judge a book by its cover, but people can’t help but do just that the first time they encounter something new. After all, it doesn’t matter who or what acts as the subject of someone else’s evaluation – you only have mere seconds to make a good first impression, and when this “something” is a product, utilizing Amazon’s A++ in a way compelling to a human eye can greatly increase your chances of making a sale.

If you’re struggling to create catchy content, we can help. For over ten years, Weby Corp has excelled in helping brands craft and deliver exceptional content, establishing itself as a leader in Amazon Enhanced Brand Content design. We don’t just enhance the appearance of your product pages; our goal is to help you forge a distinctive brand identity and bolster your presence on Amazon.

Table Of Glossary


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