Vendor Portal: Amazon Listing Quality Checker

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Challenges Faced by Amazon Vendors

Every vendor or manufacturer on Amazon aims to unleash the potential of their brands to generate the maximum profit. But it may be quite challenging in a highly competitive selling environment. Successful sales depend on many factors such as listing conversion rate, click-through rate, listing impressions and views, listing quality, search visibility, and many others. All parameters are closely related and influence each other. So every retailer or manufacturer should analyze all of them to increase sales of their products on Amazon.

But the problem is that most sellers are not aware of how well or how poorly they are represented on Amazon. What is more, they do not have the resources or expertise to address the underlying problems.

For this reason, the WebyCorp team created Vendor Portal – an Amazon Listing Quality Checker which allows our partners to track their brand performance on Amazon in real time.

Vendor Portal Functionality

We have developed our own listing quality assessment algorithm that allows gathering huge amounts of data on Amazon listing quality. It gives an idea of how well a brand’s potential is revealed on Amazon. In other words, it provides your brand’s amazon listing quality score.

What is Listing Quality Score (LQS)? It is a numeric value from 0 to 100 where 100 is the ideal state. Its calculation is based on a combination of 10 quantitative and qualitative listing parameters that affect Amazon sales. Each parameter is rated on a ten-point scale.

The performance of each listing of the brand makes the final LQS – the average value for the brand.

listing quality score

The higher the LQS, the more chances there are to sell the product. According to our estimates, brands with an average LQS > 80 have the fastest sales growth rates and command the largest market share in their respective market segments.

At the moment, the average LQS of most brands we analyzed is not higher than 40. But it is possible to influence this value through listings improvements. Most of the parameters that are taken into account when calculating LQS can be optimized (titles, bullets, product descriptions, A+/EBC content, images number and quality, video, variation relationships). But some of them cannot be changed in full due as we are not able to directly influence them (reviews, price, external traffic sources, etc).

The rise of LQS not only guarantees sales growth but also significantly reduces the likelihood of losses due to increased competition. It also helps increase sales for the entire brand on Amazon, not just of each individual product.

Vendor Portal provides you with all relevant data in a clear and simple form. You can get information about both the brand as a whole and the status of each listing on Amazon.

amazon listing quality range

The charts above show a high-level overview of where the brand is today and what issues on Amazon listings require more attention. As you can see, the brand has very few problems with images and reviews, and some more with product descriptions. However, the other parameters such as titles, bullet points, EBC/A+ Content, videos, and variations on Amazon listings should be improved. This, in turn, will increase the SEO rate which helps product visibility.

You can also get detailed data analysis of each of your listings on Amazon and its status. This allows for a better understanding of what exactly needs to be done for an individual product to reveal its potential.

brand listing quality

If you choose a particular item, you will see the current situation with the listing, recommended further improvements, and how they will work for the listing performance (see the chart below).

listing content analysis

Besides Amazon listing quality check, Vendor Portal offers other useful data, graphs, and services. You will also be able to monitor sales and inventory, MAP violations, and advertising performance.

listing quality amazon

The WebyCorp team has developed unique evaluation methods that visualize how well or how poorly a brand is performing on Amazon. We offer a quick and free way to calculate your brand’s Amazon listing score and provide you with a free detailed report on what needs to be improved to increase sales and conversion. What is more, we are also capable of fixing all your problems on Amazon, not only tracking them. We provide free Amazon listing management for our strategic partners.

If you have any questions fell free to contact us. We will provide immediate responses to all your questions at any time.

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