Amazon Search Term Impression Share Report [Guide]

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Amazon recently updated its Advertising Reports and added an amazing opportunity to see how your advertising impression share compares to other advertisers. It only applies to the Sponsored Products and Sponsored Brands ad types (to read more about Amazon advertising, click here). The new report can be found in the Report Center by selecting the Search Term Impression Share Report.

search term impression report

What’s inside Search Term Impression Share Report?

After downloading the Search Term Impression Share report, you’ll see same metrics as you usually see when generating search term reports for Sponsored Products or Brands ads. But you will also notice two new columns – Search Term Impression Share and Search Term Impression Rank.

impression share report

Search Term Impression Share shows the percentage of impressions a seller has earned on a particular search term. For example, if customers search for one particular search term for 1,000 times and you have 100 impressions for that search term, you Search Term Impression Share is 100/1,000*100% = 10%.

This advertising metric is very important as it shows the percentage of the market you earn among other sellers on a certain search term.

Search Term Impression Rank  shows where you are among other advertisers on a particular search term. This is a numerical value determining your rank, e.g. if it shows 1 on a certain search term, it means you’ve earned the highest search term impression share.

How is it helpful?

The Search Term Impression Report is a great way to assess your advertising performance and optimize ad campaign by adjusting target keywords and bidding.

Who can use it?

This new feature is in Beta mode so not everyone has access to it yet. It is available for Vendors, Sellers and Authors in the following regions:

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